
Stop Thieves from Taking out Loans in Your Name

| IDShield
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In addition to the possibility of being responsible for paying back the debt, unauthorized loans taken in your name can negatively impact your credit report – leading to higher payments on future loans and more. IDShield’s Payday Loan Monitoring service provides non-credit loan monitoring for short-term payday or similar cash advance loans. We will screen online, rent-to-own and payday lender storefronts for unauthorized activity involving your personal information. If we detect any suspicious activity, we will send you an alert. Then you can decide if it is truly a fraudulent incident; if so, our Licensed Private Investigators will come to your aid with one-on-one support to help resolve the issue.

Take back your privacy with personalized protection.

IDShield helps protect your sensitive information so you don’t have to worry. If your identity is compromised, we will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to restore your identity to its pre-theft status. We offer a host of benefits, including monitoring. IDShield watches over your social media, bank accounts, credit score and the areas of your life that you would like to keep private and protected. Start your 30-day free trial today

IDShield is a product of Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. d/b/a LegalShield (“LegalShield”). LegalShield provides access to identity theft protection and restoration services. Please read the complete terms, coverage and conditions. IDShield plans are available at individual or family rates. A family plan covers the named member, named member’s spouse and up to 10 dependent children under the age of 18. It also provides consultation and restoration services for dependent children ages 18 to 26. Spouse or domestic partner monitoring requires input of full name, SSN, date-of -birth and email address. All Licensed Private Investigators are licensed in the state of Oklahoma. A $1 million protection policy is issued through a nationally recognized carrier. LegalShield/IDShield is not an insurance carrier. This covers certain identity fraud expense reimbursement and legal costs as a result of a covered identity fraud. See a Policy for complete terms, conditions and limitations related to family members who are eligible for coverage under the Policy. For a summary description of benefits for the Policy coverage see